Professional Annotation Services In India

A movie experience is amplified ten times if there are annotations to assist the viewer. And over the years, annotations have become an essential aspect of visual media. TV commercials, online videos, movies, television programs, documentaries, web lectures, training videos, games, etc., are broadcasted with annotations. In many countries, video annotation is mandatory as it helps people with hearing impairment enjoy video watching.

An annotation is the transcribed text that comes at the bottom of a video. Annotations differ from subtitles in form as they involve transcription of both sounds (music, background sounds) and spoken dialogues. In the case of subtitles, only spoken words are transcribed.

Crystal Hues, being in the language industry for 35 years, provides accurate, error-free annotation services in India in over 200 languages. The service involves transcription and translation of annotations and integrating them with the video. The annotations will be in sync with the audio, giving the audience an exceptional video-watching experience.

Crystal Hues has an expert team of experienced translators, transcribers, and audio visual engineers who work cohesively to bring the best output. The annotations can be made available in numerous file formats - .srt, .sbv, .lrc, .cap, .rt, .vtt, .ttml, .cap, .tds, etc.

Service deliverables

Accurate Annotations:

Crystal Hues delivers 99% accurate annotations. The expert team of transcribers can pick even the minutest sound and transcribe it. There will be no punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors. And the team accurately captures the tone of the character in transcription.

Multi-language Translation:

Crystal Hues provides multi-language translation, making the agency a one-stop destination for annotations in any language. The translators' team is professional and has high experience in translating annotations in different languages and for various cultures. The team is spot on when it comes to the choice of words. It also creates target language annotations to fit within the time frame while not losing the original meaning.

Quick Turnaround Time:

Crystal Hues delivers projects of any size quickly. All the processes follow strict timelines to produce high-quality output at a determined time.


CHL Cutting-Edge Annotation Solutions

Annotation services available for various video formats include the following:

Object Detection:

We initiate the process of locating and defining certain things or objects included inside the video frames so that artificial intelligence systems can recognise and follow them.

Object Tracking

It is the process of continuously following the movement of identifiable objects over frames, which provides useful insights about the behaviour of these objects.

Action Recognition:

Our annotation services initiate the process of annotating the actions or activities carried out by people in a video, which enables artificial intelligence models to recognise and categorise a variety of actions.

Pose Estimation:

Annotating important spots on human subjects in order to precisely track and interpret the body posture and motions of human subjects.

Emotion Recognition:

It is the process of recognising and labelling the many facial expressions and emotions that are expressed by persons in a video.

Text annotation:

The process of extracting and annotating text that is present in the video frames in order to make the text available for natural language processing and analysis.

Semantic Segmentation:

It is the process of recognising and labelling the many facial expressions and emotions that are expressed by persons in a video.

Audio transcription:

It refers to the act of transcribing spoken words or other audio material from a video for the purposes of subsequent analysis and processing.

Time Stamping:

It refers to the process of annotating particular occurrences or timestamps inside a video in order to make indexing and retrieval of pertinent information easier.

Scene classification:

This annotation services refers to the process of grouping together the many settings or scenes that are seen in the video frames so that the content may be better understood and organised.

Get The Best Annotation Services

Only a few agencies can provide annotation services in various global languages, and Crystal Hues is one of them. With a capacity to produce accurate annotations in over 200 languages and at a rapid pace, Crystal Hues is the best annotation service provider in the industry. Authentic output is delivered no matter the audio complexity, subject matter diversity, and language intricacy.

  • M+Words Translated Monthly
  • +Projects Delivered Monthly
  • +Native Translators Globally
  • +Languages Translated Worldwide
  • +In-House Professionals

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